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or call us at: (907) 343-6688
The Scofflaw Ordinance as passed in 2008 (AO 2007-161) and amended in 2023 (AO 2023-67 (S-1)), allows for the seizure and impoundment of any vehicle driven by a person with more than $2,500 in outstanding delinquent traffic citations over the past 5 years. The names of these individuals are published on the Scofflaw List, and through impound, the vehicles that were being driven have been removed from the streets through the support and assistance of the Anchorage Police Department. The purpose of abatement is to remove motor vehicles operated by repeat traffic offenders who have not been subject to the deterrent and rehabilitative effects of sentencing, and who therefore pose a heightened danger to the public. The purpose of abatement is not to generate revenue. Scofflaws must pay all delinquent traffic fines in full with GUARANTEED FUNDS. The following forms of payment are accepted cash, cashier's check or money order to be immediately removed from the Scofflaw list. Scofflaws only able to make partial payments are directed to our 3rd party collection agency, where payment arrangements can be made.